Social Media
Social Media Package
Share Debt Medic with your Online Community

As an Experior Agent you have the unique opportunity to help people who are battling with debt and you can earn referral fees in the process.
Debt Medic is partially owned by Experior Financial and it strives to help your clients and potential clients to eliminate their debt so you can help them move forward with their financial future.

Introduction to Social Media Package
We have created a Social Media Package with a series of approved images and written copy for you to use for posting to your social media platforms.
Feel free to adapt the suggested copy by mixing and matching wording from the various suggestions.
The goal is to attract your community to reply to you and ask how you can help them. Once they are open to this, tell them you will have one of your Debt Specialists from Debt Medic reach out to them to share the options available. Make sure you get their information and then fill out the referral form at either or